Move EU

15 December 2021

Move EU welcomes the European Commission’s proposal for a revision of the ITS Directive

Press Release

We agree that further action is needed to unleash the potential of digital technologies and make road transport more efficient and sustainable for all Europeans.

A forward-looking ITS Directive can support the uptake of Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS) solutions. It is imperative that data sharing, which underpins ITS & digital mobility solutions, is done in a way that spurs innovation, balances business interests and respects privacy and data protection. This framework should foster cooperation amongst players in the ecosystem, whilst enabling fair competition between private and public MaaS operators. It should ensure that the development of on-demand mobility platforms and their ability to propose a diverse offer is not restrained by overly prescriptive approaches to, among others, data management.

Move EU is open to discuss with all stakeholders to contribute to innovation-friendly and future proof regulation that paves the way for genuine smart and sustainable mobility. 

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